April 11, 1998
1st Period - 11:41•1997-1998 Regular Season
As the camera cuts to Thompson and Huard both fighters are in an awkward position and its clear that some punches have been thrown which the audience have not witnessed. The two fighters kind of right themselves and Thompson threw a hard right which hit the top of Huard's helmet. Huard looks to throw two short rights, one which definitely lands, the other which may or may not have landed. Thompson then tags Huard with a nice right uppercut. Both guys are still in kind of sloppy and awkward positions and Thompson throws a hard left which hit the side of Huard's face and Huard clearly felt the punch. Huard tries to throw a left of his own which looked to hit shoulder pad and Thompson responds with a hard left of his own which lands, and a second left which Huard manages to duck. Thompson tries a third left, but Huard locks it out completely. Both fighters are now in the spin cycle and Huard then switches to the right and nails Thompson with a nice short right. Thompson tries another left but it comes up short of the mark. Huard then throws a hard right which Thompson just manages to duck and it puts Huard in a vulnerable position which allowed Thompson to load up a left hand haymaker, but it doesn't land. Now Thompson is in a vulnerable spot himself and Huard connects with a short right, but not with much force. Thompson rights himself and tries another left, but it misses the target. They spin a bit and Huard switches back to the left and connects with another nice short left hand. They continue to spin and Thompson throws a left hand and Huard goes down to his knees - hard to tell if its from the punch or if its from a lack of balance. Clearly the punch landed, but Huard was off-balance before the punch was thrown. Other Penalties: Chris Dingman and Georges Laraque each received an unsportsmanlike conduct.No video for this fight.
Voting Results
Votes: 19, Average Rating: 7.16
B. Huard (EDM) vs. R. Thompson (CAL)
Top Fights for Bill Huard
Top Fights for Rocky Thompson
Video | Date | Players | Rating | |
![]() | 04/11/98 | B. Huard (EDM) vs. R. Thompson (CAL) | 7.16 | Watch |
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