December 31, 1998
1st Period - 0:12•1998-1999 Regular Season
The fight starts away from the play. Very long square off, maybe 25 seconds until Parker grabbed and missed a right. Both try some quick punches while going in a slow circle, but nothing lands. Lots of grappling and each is trying to get their arms loose. Parker is looking to get his right up high and Langdon is blocking it. Parker puts his left fist in Langdon's face as they still circle. Langdon throws the first right that lands and Parker counters with two rights that miss. Langdon lands a right, then Parker tries six rights, three land. They were slow moving punches, not really damaging. Langdon is holding off Parker's right and Parker gets Langdon's helmet off. Another lock-out and then Langdon lands a right. Parker misses a shot, then Langdon throws three quick ones, landing two. They grapple and Langdon lands a right. Parker counters with three rights, one lands square. They grapple some more and Langdon lands two rights. More grappling. Langdon lands a right and lets go with two lefts that causes Parker to cover up a bit. Langdon gets his left out and lands one. Parker then misses a right and Langdon lands a left. They grapple and tire out. Langdon skates away with a bloody lip.Voting Results
Votes: 39, Average Rating: 7.41
D. Langdon (NYR) vs. S. Parker (COL)
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