November 2, 2005
2nd Period - 5:09•2005-2006 Regular Season
The camera comes in late and shows both guys trying to get loose. The announcer says that Downey had wrestled Vandermeer to the ice before the camera had gotten to the action. Downey lands four lefts on Vandermeer. Vandermeer comes back with a right. They struggle to get loose and Vandermeer lands four consecutive lefts. They then go toe-to-toe over about 20-25 seconds. They tie up and a linesman comes in to break it up but Downey pushes him away and proceeds to land a bomb. Downey then lands about 5-6 lefts. Vandermeer comes back with a right. Downey starts spinning Vandermeer around and lands about 3-4 lefts. Vandermeer has his right cocked and lands one. Downey lands a few short rights. Vandermeer has his right cocked again and lands a shot that sends Downey off-balance and to the ice.Voting Results
Votes: 257, Average Rating: 9.17
J. Vandermeer (CHI) vs. A. Downey (STL)
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