October 18, 2003
2nd Period - 3:272003-2004 Regular Season
Fair squareoff at center ice as Brookbank throws a right jab to Shelley's face as Shelley comes in for the grab, then gets the first right off to the helmet. They are now locked and loaded, holding on with the left and throwing rights - first two miss, Shelley lands a right to the chin, then they both throw grazing blows with a pair of blind right hands. Shelley tosses a pair of rights in close that go nowhere as BB does the same. They continue to hold on with left hands, chucking rights - Shelley lands on the temple, Brookbank throws a right into the air in front of Jody's face while Shelley's right lands on top of BB's helmet (he's hunched over a little). Both miss with rights in stereo - now a little grappling. As BB's left comes free Shelley tries to throw another right, so Brookbank grabs back on, then grazes a right off of the top of Shelley's helmet and misses with another right. Jody switches hands, grabs hold with the right and tries the left, going nowhere, switches back to the right. Now they are both facing each other, lefts extended on each other's jerseys, here come the rights - BB misses with two while Shelley lands a soft one on the kisser. Both land soft rights to the face with no damage, both miss again, next Brookbank throws a right as his elbow pad comes sliding down his arm into Shelley's face, looks like an extension or something. Shelley's coming forward, misses with a right. Brookbank is backing up, a slap with the right to Jody's cheek, so Jody grabs BB's right and tries an overhand left that misses. BB's crouched down in front away from Shelley, now pulling with both hands on Jody's right arm to throw him off balance. Shelley stands up and with his free left comes down on Brookbank's back with a powder-puff toss. They start pushing to try to get free, Brookbank is down on a knee with Shelley on top, looks like its over, but he gets right back up and they start hugging. Brookbank is trying to get Shelley's jersey off, then misses with a right, Jody just misses with a left across the bow. Brookbank's right has come out of his jersey, he tries to get it back on but can't, and they keep wrestling. They're now locked out as Shelley throws a right that doesn't do much damage. Brookbank bounces a right off of Shelley's temple. A little more wrestling and a spin. Rights in stereo miss. Brookbank's helmet is off now as he throws a right that lands with no sting. They both miss with wild rights, now they are holding on gasping as the linesmen step in to give them a much needed rest. A lot of action, almost no damage.
No video for this fight.
Voting Results
Votes: 21, Average Rating: 7.33

J. Shelley (CBJ) vs. W. Brookbank (NSH)


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