February 8, 2003
1st Period - 2:41•2002-2003 Regular Season
They meet up, have a few words and drop the gloves. Standing square off and they grab a hold of each other. Shelley throws a right that lands on the cheek, and then throws a big right that hits side helmet, which combined with a balance issue for Simpson, puts Reid down. With Simpson getting up, Shelley throws a right to the back of the helmet and then a right cross that lands square. Shelley throws a right that lands on the back helmet area and throws another right to the back, followed by a right that lands flush on the cheek and a right that grazes chin and a right that hits shoulder. Simpson throws a right that comes up short, Shelley a right which catches air. Simpson throws a right to the shoulder. Shelley a right that lands on the back of the helmet. Simpson a right that misses. Shelley throws a right that hits chin, followed by an uppercut that grazes chin and a right to the shoulder. Simpson lands a pretty good right. Shelley follows by landing a good right of his own and an uppercut that grazes chin. Simpson throws a right which comes up short. Shelley fires an uppercut short, a right to the shoulder and a right which grazed chin. Another right misses. Simpson misses with a right. Shelley lands a right to the cheek. Simpson throws a right that grazes and a right which catches air. Shelley missed on a right and then did the left hand push-punch. After this Shelley loses his balance and falls.J. Shelley (CBJ) vs. R. Simpson (NSH)
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