January 11, 2003
2nd Period - 18:24•2002-2003 Regular Season
This fight starts as the Nazarov-Buchberger-Hordichuk line is out on the ice. Naz skates about a half a shift, comes off and enter Mike Johnson. Johnson skates over to the side boards and grabs the puck, only to be met with a check from behind from Scott Hartnell. Everybody gathers in as Hordichuk is running around and facewashing everyone, and that includes Bill Houlder. Hulse sees this and goes after Hordi only to be met by Kelly Buchberger. Buchberger steps in front of Cale, pushes him backwards and they drop em. A fair squareoff, as everyone on the ice stops pushing and watches. Hulse makes the first move, jumping in and landing a right jab to Kelly's chin. Kelly then grabs on and the hold, with Hulse having a considerable height advantage. They grapple, try to find position and get set. Kelly misses a left cross and falls out of his recently gained position and Hulse lands a pretty nice right. That irks Kelly and he buries his head into Hulse and throws three rights and coming up short each time. To throw those rights, he had to let go of Cale's left. Big mistake. Cale brings up his left and lands a hard straight left to Buchberger's cheek. This was the best punch of the fight. Buchberger tries to hold on, but then Hulse takes him down. Other Penalties: Mike Johnson, Scorr Hartnell and Darcy Hordichuk received roughings.Voting Results
Votes: 1, Average Rating: 2
K. Buchberger (ARI) vs. C. Hulse (NSH)
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