October 10, 2002
2nd Period - 12:06•2002-2003 Regular Season
Staios intervenes between Brewer and Prims and they go. Both throw half-hearted uppercuts, and now the refs are attempting to grab them. Primeau misses or glances side of Staios' head with a right. Staios missed an uppercut. Prims then hits him in the ear with 2 decent rights while controling with his left. Prims misses two more, then a right to the back of Steve's head and then a weak right to Steve's neck. Staios attempts a right, then an uppercut, but Prims' got good position with his left hand and hits Staios with a light uppercut. Primeau misses with 2 more rights. Staios just misses a good right. Primeau does likewise. Staios appears to land an uppercut, then a good right to prims helmet/temple, a few back of the head by Steve, then another helmet shot. Prims throws two more, but they are too close. Primeau attempts a takedown, but the net keeps them up and the linesmen come in.Voting Results
Votes: 4, Average Rating: 6.25
K. Primeau (PHI) vs. S. Staios (EDM)
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