March 8, 2002
3rd Period - 5:27•2001-2002 Regular Season
Quintal starts with a right that misses. Ray misses with a right. Ray connects with a right to the jaw. Ray throws another right that lands on Quintal's back. Another right by Ray lands on Quintal's chest. Quintal comes back with a right to Ray's shoulder. Ray lands two rights to Quital's helmet. Quintal then lands three rights to Ray's chest. They both throw rights that miss. Ray hits Quintal on the shoulder with a right followed by two to the back. Ray lands a right to Quintal's cheek. Quintal landed a right on Ray. Ray hits Quintal with a right to the mouth. Quintal lands a right of his own. They both miss a right. Quintal misses another right and then they both miss again. At the same time: Long square off between Odjick and Boulton. Odjick called on Boulton. Boulton came toward Odjick and they both fell to the ice without throwing a punch. Draw.Other Penalties: Odjick received a roughing and misconduct; Boulton an unsportsmanlike conduct and misconduct.No video for this fight.
S. Quintal (MON) vs. R. Ray (BUF)
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