
Day After Review (instant): Corey Perry vs Nick Foligno May 20, 2021

Day After Review (instant): Corey Perry vs Nick Foligno May 20, 2021

I will start this off with a disclaimer that I am not a former fighter. I am excited to hear what someone like host of the Dropping the Gloves podcast, John Scott, has to say about this one. I have seen a lot of responses on the fight in the moment questioning the reason for the fight in the first place.

It is a fight that happened after a massive accidental knee of Corey Perry that hit the head of John Tavares as he was sprawled out from another hit. A scary situation that saw Tavares leave the ice on a stretcher and the arena in an ambulance. I can’t imagine trying to play a hockey game after that, but these guys had to do just that.

Coming off the extended break as Tavares was tended to (and a break in which Corey Perry went out of his way to let John know he was sorry/let him know he’s thinkinaig of him) Nick Foligno and Corey Perry lined up and fought. Again, I am eager to hear from former players but I would be one to think this was a guy in Perry accepting that the two teams needed it to get fired up again. The fight itself was missing that certain je ne ss pas and Perry just seemed to be going through the motions. All fair enough.

At the end of the day, Foligno didn’t jump anyone, Perry agreed to it, and it seems to have sparked the game back into a good one.

Danimal Rating: These fights happen. I give it four out of ten fists

Anyways, thats how I see the fight. Disagree? Good, have you headed to the fight page and let your own voice be heard? Do it now.

Once you have done that, let me know why you think the fight happened.